Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Decorated Fmr. Staff Sergeant Fires Back at Bill Maher for Rapist Joke About Soldiers

It might be par for the course, but liberal cable talk show host Bill Maher has once again launched into a rant, on his March 27 HBO show about American soldiers still stationed in Germany and Japan and insinuated they were rapists.

"Forget about bringing the troops home Iraq - we need to get the troops home from World War II," Maher said. "Can anybody tell me why in 2009, we still have more than 50,000 troops in Germany and 30,000 in Japan? At some point these people are going to have to learn to rape themselves."

Former Army Staff Sergeant and author of "House to House" David Bellavia, who has been recommended for the Medal of Honor and is a recipient of the Silver Star and the Bronze Star didn't take Maher's criticism lightly.

"While Democrats want to accuse the right in America of being hijacked by the talking points of Rush Limbaugh and talk radio, it is more than a little odd to me that the greatest minds on the left today are community organizers, washed up former sports commentators and stand up comedians,"


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