Thursday, April 9, 2009 Misleading Headline: Iowa Gives 'Thumbs Up' to Same-sex Marriage

"Iowa Gives Gay Marriage a Thumbs Up," trumpets the front page teaser headline on But, the subhead explains, it was "Iowa's Supreme Court" not the people via their legislature or direct referendum that opened the door to same-sex marriage by finding the state's ban on the ceremony "violates [the state] Constitution."

The accompanying photo illustration (shown at right) depicts two masculine, wedding-band-sporting left hands embracing. In the background is a long, unfurled rainbow flag, held aloft by marchers in a parade.

The story itself was filed by Amy Lorentzen of the Associated Press. Lorentzen jumped quickly into the jubilant reaction of gay marriage activists, but found no space for comment from traditional values advocates in her 18-paragraph story.


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