Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tea Parties And Thugs

Media Bias: The press need not support every protest it covers. But when it ignores a grass fire movement against government spending while its favored politician watches closely, then there's dereliction of duty.

Five more "tea parties" took place last weekend to protest runaway congressional spending. The weekend protests were held in Orlando, Fla.; Raleigh, N.C.; Solomon's Island, Md.; Lexington, Ky., and Ridgefield, Conn.

Showing up with hand-lettered signs were people not often seen at protests.

Bloggers and local press do cover these events, but the national TV and print media are conspicuous by their absence. Some big news outlets see these events as atomized and unlikely to lead the nightly news.

But the real reason the major media aren't interested in these protests is that they don't agree with them. In the final analysis, these affairs are really taking issue with the political party they helped elect with overt bias in the last election.

That's why a small scrum of Acorn-financed wackos on a bus tour to intimidate AIG execs last weekend made the news while the tea parties didn't... [snip]

Another 150 tea parties are set for tax day April 15.

[Including one in Pleasanton, for those interested]


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