Friday, March 13, 2009

Shari'a making inroads in the West

Shari'a is making inroads into the West. One area particularly touched by this phenomenon is the judicial system in Europe. Two recent cases in Italy and France are particularly troublesome.

In Italy, three members of a Brescia-based Maghrebi family (father, mother and eldest son) were accused of beating their daughter/sister Fatima because she had wanted to live a "Western" life. In the first trial, the three were sentenced for abuse. But on appeal, the family was acquitted because the court deemed that the young woman had been beaten for "her own good." [snip]

In France a widely publicized case last June had a French judge rule in favor of a Muslim man who wanted the annulment of his marriage because his wife had turned out not to be a virgin. The decision triggered a huge outcry and was later overturned, Interestingly, a large majority of French Muslims, about 80 percent, are very secular and totally reject any kind of Shari'a law being implemented in France.

But the United Kingdom is a different story; indeed, close to 40% of young Muslims there are in favor of Shari'a law being implemented...


No Honor in This
It really was two crimes in one. When Aasiya Hassan was allegedly beheaded by her husband in upstate New York, the response by many Muslim groups was to make sure that no one connected the murder to Islam, rather than to be concerned that a man may have brutally murdered his wife in the name of Islam.

Unfortunately, none of this came as any surprise to feminist Phyllis Chesler...


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