Monday, March 30, 2009

Enviro Wikipedia Assault on Human Achievement Hour

[Intend for Friday by life intervened - apologies]

Environmentalists are leading a worldwide hour of shame and darkness on Saturday, March 28.

In response to this hour of darkness and shame, the Competitive Enterprise Institute launched a "Human Achievement Hour" - to celebrate the achievements of men, including the widespread use of energy that lifts the peoples of the world out of poverty.

Along with blog posts and press releases, CEI also created a Wikipedia page on Human Achievement Hour to let people know why it was established and how they might participate-- just as environmentalists had created a Wiki entry for Earth Hour.

However, not content with their hour of darkness, some in the environmental movement are determined to stamp out any opposition to their campaign.

Almost immediately after the Human Achievement article was published on Wikipedia, environmentalists began attacking the idea and calling for its deletion. (see previous such examples ). Eventually, the editors were convinced this week to delete the HAH article on the grounds that it did not meet "notability standards," despite the dozen or so newspaper articles, radio shows on the topic, and blog references (including Michelle Malkin).

As CEI analyst Michelle Minton explains on, the Human Achievement Hour called on people to "celebrate the achievements of humanity" The main philosophy of Human Achievement Hour is to celebrate the products of mens' minds and to oppose environmentalism that would have government prevent individuals from achieving in the future.

Update: The HAH article on Wikipedia was restored on March 27.

[But only because of our eternal vigilance against the thought police at Wiki...]


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