Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our Professional Media

CBS: ‘Obstructionist’ Republicans

On Monday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked Republican Congressman Eric Cantor about President Obama’s proposed housing bill:

"Unlike the stimulus, will you urge your fellow Republicans in the House to support this?"

Cantor began to explain that Republicans supported some aspects of the "stimulus," but Rodriguez quickly interrupted him:

"But everyone opposed it. Why? Where's the bipartisanship?"

Before Cantor could respond, she added:

"Are you afraid of being seen as obstructionist?"

An on-screen graphic read: "Economic Crisis, Party Politics & Recovery Roadblocks."

[what bias?]


ABC: Resistance to 'Stimulus' Bill 'Irresponsible,' Stephanopoulos Pushes Bank Nationalization

ABC's Cookie Roberts denounced as “irresponsible” conservative opposition to the “stimulus” bill and suggested those who voted against it should be punished, declaring on Sunday's This Week:

“I just think that when you're in a situation like this, to do nothing is so irresponsible that you can't, you can't get away with it.”

Earlier on the show, host George Stephanopoulos pressed Congresswoman Maxine Waters to agree banks must be nationalized:

“A lot of economists now saying that what is really -- could be needed is bite the bullet nationalization.”

When the far-left House member resisted -- “I don't think that we're ready to move to the point of a formalized, nationalized banking program yet” -- Stephanopoulos pleaded:

“Even if it's the only thing that would work?” [??]

[what bias?]


[Meanwhile, in the real world...

75% Oppose Nationalization of U.S. Banks

All sorts of big government solutions are being proposed to combat the country’s economic troubles, but Americans are clear on one thing: 75% say the federal government should not take over the U.S. banking system.

Only nine percent (9%) think nationalization of America’s banks is a good idea, and 16% are undecided in a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Investors are even more emphatic. Seventy-eight percent (78%) oppose government control of the banks, compared to 71% of non-investors.


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