Monday, February 2, 2009

Obama: Nation can't afford bickering over stimulus

[It's called debate, Mr. President, and is the corner stone of our political system. Believe it or not there are many who feel that your policies do exactly the wrong things for the nation, and it's their duty to voice their dissent.]

Dems’ $800b ‘mistake’ - Harvard prof slams stimulus plan

Harvard University professor Martin Feldstein may not be the Democrats’ favorite conservative economist for much longer.

Feldstein, a former economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan, surprised many last year by embracing the Keynesian concept that more government action - in the form of massive spending increases and tax cuts - was needed to confront the economic crisis facing the nation.

Ever since, liberal Democrats have cited Feldstein’s views when pushing President Barack Obama’s massive $800 billion-plus economic-stimulus package.

But Feldstein yesterday took aim at the Democrats’ general plan - a version of which passed the House earlier this week - saying it’s a “mistake” and needs to be “thoroughly revised”...


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