Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The 'forgotten people' are already doing something for economic recovery

As I sat watching President Obama explain the so-called stimulus package, I felt several times that he was speaking directly to me. He kept saying that doing nothing is not an option, which is precisely what I would propose the government do.

Like many of the forgotten people in America, I have strongly recommended that the government do nothing to bring us out of this deep recession. But I know we're going to lose the argument. The debate now is really all about what politicians should do, not what the American public should do.

The sound bite of the moment, that our government must act quickly, carried the day. The media in attendance seemed to forget the fact that it was government programs to address low home ownership rates and stingy credit that caused the downturn in the first place.

Politicians may try to take the credit when we finally climb out of this hole, but in reality it will be the forgotten people who will have solved this crisis. They do not need to be stimulated by a wheelbarrow full of Washington pork.

They just need to be remembered as the ultimate source of wealth and left alone to do what they can do to create it. Forgetting that wealth ultimately comes from everywhere but Washington is what got us into this recession in the first place and continuing to forget it is not the path to recovery.


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