Thursday, February 26, 2009

Around the world...

Diplomats: Syria has put missile facility on bombed nuke site
Vienna - Syria has indicated that it has built a missile facility on the site of an alleged nuclear reactor that IAF warplanes reportedly bombed, diplomats said Tuesday. (Snip) The diplomats said that the facility appeared to be either a missile control center or an actual launching pad. They demanded anonymity for reporting on the closed meeting. The site was bombed in 2007.

Obama Yawns as Iran Fires Up First Nuke Plant
Iran might not have rated a single mention in the president’s address to Congress last night, but that doesn’t mean nothing interesting is happening there. Today, the New York Times reports that Iran has started tests on its first nuclear power plant in Bushehr. The Russian-built plant will begin loading its nuclear fuel later this year but we are assured the Russians will not let any of that fuel be used for illicit purposes.

Vladimir Putin faces rising anger from within Russian army
Vladimir Putin is facing an unprecedented military challenge to his authority as discontent over medieval conditions and personnel cuts mounts within the Russian armed forces. A growing number of disgruntled servicemen, including senior officers, are making contact with Russian opposition groups for the first time since he came to power in 2000.
[And when leaders are in trouble at home, they look for trouble abroad for distraction...]

Russian missiles seized
Moscow - Russia's chief military prosecutor said on Wednesday he suspects navy officials tried to smuggle 30 anti-submarine missiles through Tajikistan to sell them in China.
''A few days ago we sent material to start criminal proceedings against navy officials and some businessmen who brought 30 contraband anti-submarine missiles and 200 aviation bombs into Tajikistan for onward sale to China for $18m..."

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