Friday, February 13, 2009

Cheney attacks

The headline on CNN was "Cheney Attacks!" Correspondent Tom Foreman commented that,

"even in the bare- knuckle world of Washington these days, this was a remarkably sharp attack by the former vice president just weeks into President Obama's term."

And how had the former vice president expressed his fabled bellicosity this time? In an interview with, he warned that there is a "high probability" that, in the years ahead, terrorists will attempt to use a nuclear or biological weapon to mass-murder Americans.

Cheney said he was concerned that the Obama administration may discard some of the policies that have defeated such attempts since 9/11/01. As he put it:

"When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an al-Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry."

The guests on one CNN program thought that an outrageous comment (with a single exception: me).

Who would really insist on reading terrorists their rights? But a recent front-page headline in the Washington Post announced:

"Bush's 'War' On Terror Comes to a Sudden End."

If there's no war, terrorist suspects cannot be "unlawful enemy combatants"; they must be treated instead as suspects in criminal justice proceedings. Such suspects are legally entitled to "Miranda warnings" -- they must be informed, for example, that they have a "right to remain silent." [snip]

The former vice president did not talk about all this in his interview with Perhaps he decided that to do so would be seen by his critics as crossing the line from mere attack to barbarian rampage.


Subject: image toon - bdd gwot - Terrorist has right to any attorney

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