Thursday, February 19, 2009

About those innocents . . .

SURPRISE: Closing down that military prison at Guantanamo turns out to be harder than just promising to do so in a presidential campaign. Now that the Obama campaign is the Obama administration, the job is being delayed for up to a year, and all the problems involved are being admitted, referred to study commissions, and-what a surprise again-being blamed on the previous administration.

The usual unidentified sources have told the Washington Post, which can now operate as a branch of the White House press office by printing leaks direct from the top, that the records of the prisoners being held at Guantanamo are in shameful disarray. Instead of a single neat case file a few pages long on each of the prisoners, the records seem to be scattered hither and yon throughout the federal government-from the various military branches to the Justice Department.

Gosh, do you think this mass of scattered records could have anything to do with the U.S. Supreme Court's many, confusing and generally fuzzy decisions granting these prisoners, legal and illegal combatants alike, habeas corpus and various other rights heretofore recognized only in civilian courts?


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