Thursday, January 8, 2009

Leveraging election fraud with census fraud (updated)

Election fraud may soon be amplified by census fraud if the left takes advantage of a tactic just waiting for exploitation.

Those who want clean elections already are very concerned about the widespread vote fraud planned and perpetrated by Obama's friends in the ACORN organization. However, now that the recent election is over, we may let the subject fade from mind.

This would be very unwise. We have a census coming up in 2010, and with every recent census there has been a dispute with liberals who claim that inner-city residents are being under-counted.

If the census enumerators don't seem to find enough inner-city residents to satisfy their desire for an extra legislative or congressional seat in an urban area, they want the census authorities to invent some phantom people to correct the alleged undercount. This also helps funnel more money to urban areas where aid is allocated on the basis of population.

Here's how election fraud can be leveraged to produce census fraud:

[also reviews how it's likely the affluent who are actually underrepresented in census' - Recommended > ]


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