Monday, January 19, 2009

John Cusack to Eric Holder: Jail Bushies or Practice ‘Moral Relativism at its Most Insane”

[meanwhile, in Hollywood...]

Radical-left actor John Cusack’s back on The Huffington Post today with "Two Questions" for Attorney General nominee Eric Holder: Is waterboarding torture? Because torture is a war crime. And "Since we know the Bush administration at the highest levels approved waterboarding which is torture which is a war crime," will you appoint a special prosecutor to imprison the guilty Bush officials? It’s unthinkably insane to Cusack that Barack Obama and Holder would resist this agenda, or delay it with a commission... [snip]

Cusack’s conservative opponents might ask Holder a different question about moral equivalence: Which is worse? Thirty seconds of waterboarding a terrorist suspect? Or sending an innocent six-year-old kid back to a communist dictatorship for the rest of his life?

[evidently BDS is going to remain well past the Bush term...]


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