Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Beijing looks at Hillary as ally

"Efforts by the People's Republic of China and other countries to gain foreign policy influence by illegally contributing foreign money to U.S. political campaigns and to the Democratic National Committee through domestic conduits." That was the subject of a 1997 Warning Memo from FBI Director Louis Freeh to Attorney General Janet Reno.

In short, the attempt by Beijing's security services to gain "foreign policy influence" over the Clinton administration is confirmed by the director of the FBI. Something in excess of 100 people caught up in the illegal campaign contributions to Mr. Clinton, Al Gore or the DNC were convicted or fled the county and a preponderance of them had Beijing connections... [snip]

Old news to some, perhaps, but arguably relevant as the Senate Foreign Relations Committee begins to consider the nomination of Sen. Hillary Clinton, New York Democrat, to be secretary of state. For example, even now long-range Chinese rockets fired by Hamas target Israeli civilians and may threaten the nuclear facilities in southern Israel.

Since the State Department is the chief enforcer of American anti-proliferation laws, the Chinese Communist Party and its security services will want a State Department inclined to be accommodating and not confrontational on issues - such as arms smuggling...


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