Thursday, April 17, 2008

Berlusconi to deal with Italy's Illegal Immigrants

ROME - Silvio Berlusconi has branded illegal immigrants an "army of evil" in his first day in office after winning Italy's general election. Berlusconi, 71 [a 71-year old President, oh my], who was elected on Monday to serve a third term as Prime Minister, said on Tuesday that he would "step up neighbourhood police, who can be an army of good, placing themselves between the Italian people and the army of evil".


[the larger story here is his election: yet another center-right victory - point? the Left's constant claim that the US has so much repair to do its 'prestige' is unambiguously debunked by the undeniable conservative election trend occurring in Europe and elsewhere - recall:


The Conservative Tide in Major Democracies
{Feb. 1, '08}
... Remember how Senator Kerry said that leaders of Europe privately wanted him to win the presidency? That news has ceased to become newsworthy.

Why? Because, like the surge, the sentiment in major democracies has turned as well.

In each of four major nations important to us, France, Germany, Canada, and Britain, the nations historically most important to America in both political and cultural connections, the alignment with America has improved - in some cases, dramatically improved - since the last elections in each nation...

i.e., contrary to what the press portrays, the world's citizens are waking up to the realities of the world and following our election choices - ironically, should we elect a democrat president the US would actually end up to the left of Europe {think about that}]

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