Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tampa Mayor Honors Extremism

In April of 2007, Pam Iorio was sworn into office for her second term as Mayor of Tampa Bay, Florida, given the confidence of Tampa’s citizens that she will help protect them from harm. Yet every year for at least the last four years of the six-plus years she has served, Mayor Iorio has honored CAIR, a radical Muslim organization, with a Proclamation naming a day for the group...



Jihad Watch: CAIR and terrorism
CAIR: 'Moderate' friends of terror - article by Daniel Pipes
CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment - Middle East Quarterly
CAIR called 'turnstile' for terrorist suspects
CAIR and Terrorism: Blanket Opposition to U.S. Investigations ...

ad infinitum - but I guess if they make political contributions...]

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