Monday, December 8, 2008

Consensus Of Whom?

Socialized Medicine: "Consensus" has become one of the scariest words in America. It means officials have reached agreement on how to fleece the public. And it's being used in the same breath as "universal health care."(Snip)The alleged accord, says the Times, has been reached by "leading" business groups, medical facilities, physicians, unions, insurance companies, "senior lawmakers" and "members of the new Obama administration." [snip]

In other words, Democrats and Democratic Party supporters who will rule the capital for at least two years beginning in January. Meaningful Republican support, if it even exists, is not necessary. If there were a mere one or two from the GOP who had a modest role in this latest push for universal health care, the media would be calling it a "bipartisan" effort.

Before this juggernaut imposes its will on the American people, there are some questions that need to be asked and honestly answered. Who are the uninsured? How many are there? How long have they been without coverage? And most importantly, why? [snip]

A recent study found that only 38% of Americans agree the government — in reality, the taxpayers — should "definitely be responsible for health care." While there might be a consensus in Washington, there isn't one in the rest of the country.

Washington should also show why it is morally acceptable to make a portion of the population pay for the medical treatment of others, and to point to exactly which provision in the Constitution allows the national government to establish a health care system...


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