Friday, November 14, 2008

So Now Time Tells Us: Obama The New FDR


Remember back during the campaign, when the Obama folks and their MSM cohorts adamantly denied that their man was a liberal? That National Journal study that ranked him the most liberal senator? Nonsense! Very misleading. After all, this is the man with a history of reaching across partisan lines (even if no good examples were handy at the moment).

So . . . remember all that? Well, forget it.

Now that Obama is safely ensconced in his Office of the President-Elect, the MSM can let the [ill-concealed to many of us] cat out of the bag: yes, he's a liberal. Big time! In fact, Obama is nothing less than the second coming of the biggest American liberal icon of all time: FDR! Rick Stengel announced the news on today's Morning Joe:

RICK STENGEL: It's the New New Deal, and it's Barack Obama as FDR, obviously. And it's about how he could forge a Democratic majority, a liberal majority, not unlike what FDR did.


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