Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama Out-Gores Gore at Climate Summit

Barack Obama managed to say all the wrong things at this week's Governors Global Climate Summit in Los Angeles -- without even showing up. The President-elect appeared to the green faithful on Tuesday in the form of a mammoth video image, and opened his pre-recorded pledge to "take the lead" in addressing global warming with these eerily familiar words:

"Few challenges facing America -- and the world -- are more urgent than combating climate change. The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear. Sea levels are rising. Coastlines are shrinking. We've seen record drought, spreading famine and storms that are growing stronger with each passing hurricane season."

Of course, no science is beyond dispute. Furthermore, one in its infancy, as is climatology, literally depends upon disagreement to light its path to maturity. And considering the tens of thousands of media-ignored-or-demeaned scientists disputing AGW dogma each and every day, Obama diminishes any credibility he might have on the subject by uttering words lifted directly from Gore's devious playbook.

He is, on the other hand, quite correct in stating that the facts are clear. Although, not as he sees them. To name but a few of contextual note:

[as always, a point by point scientific refutation of every point made by Obama in his full address. We're being scammed - if you've any doubt you Must Read > ]

Somehow an atomic Iran seems the more imminent threat.

[and please pass on - this scam is going to cost us and our children Trillions of dollars and a sizable chunk of our liberties]


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