Friday, November 7, 2008

The Oath of a Citizen
By Nancy Salvato Thursday, November 6, 2008

The United States of America has in one fell swoop rejected the status quo and elected the first black president. Now that the minorities in this country have seen one of their own elected to the highest office in the land, hopefully we can finally put the race issue to bed and discontinue the Balkanizing of America. Although we have our differences, these differences should not be what identify us. There should not be a hyphen in front of or behind the word American. Profiling should be left to those who investigate crime.

Although I chose to support McCain-Palin, I feel none of the angst that my Democratic brethren expressed at President Bush’s election. I am willing to accept America’s choice in the next leader of this free country.

There are two things I ask of this new administration. I ask that they respect the government that was put into place 220 years ago because it allows us the most freedom to pursue the most happiness without trampling on others’ freedom and pursuit of happiness. I ask that the change that can and should help more people realize their dreams while not occurring at someone else’s expense. Let’s begin the new era of change by teaching those who cannot fish, how, and not use the hard earned catch of some to feed others' drive and ambition. That has to come from within.


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