Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wonderful, Magical Green Bailout

Legal Newsline notes that California attorney general Jerry Brown and Al Gore told a group of investors waiting for the government to make them rich in the name of global warming — that, in the words of Legal Newsline’s headline “green opportunity could help financial crisis.”

It seems that we could get out of this huge economic pickle if only we damned the torpedoes and charged headlong into the green agenda. Employing that knack for understatement for which he is so well known, Gore says

“I actually do think that the green revolution is the solution to the financial crisis . . . the national security crisis, the debt crisis and the climate crisis. They are all connected.”

When the biggest cheerleaders for such schemes are those who have sunk millions (or more) in the projects and are simply waiting for the government to step in and add value to those apparently nearly valueless investments — like Gore is — that should be the final warning sign anyone needs.

Stay Out.


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