Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Krugman Nobel Makes for Morning Joe Mirth

On what should be the crowning day of his professional career, one hopes for his sake that Paul Krugman wasn't watching Morning Joe. For news of his economics Nobel was met by the crew with ridicule that even Mika Brzezinski couldn't resist.

View video here.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Was that a joke email or is it the truth?

It's got to be a lie. This is serious?

Paul Krugman—this is just grimmest news I've heard in quite some time—has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics!

I can't even say it with a straight face.
Can anyone seriously believe this was other than a supremely political pick by the lefty Nobel Committee? Does anyone honestly imagine Krugman was awarded the prize for his academic work and not for his Republican- bashing and promotion of the road to collectivism on the pages of the Gray Lady?


[this from M-S-N-B-C. Does anyone still take the Nobel 'Committee' seriously?]


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