Friday, October 3, 2008

High cost of hitting climate panic button

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd’s handpicked global warming guru Ross Garnaut has issued his third apocalyptic theory unencumbered with any hard scientific evidence. Again, he calls for Australia to take a lead in controlling emissions though he admitted on ABC radio yesterday that any mitigating action taken by Australia to control so-called hothouse gases would have absolutely no effect on global climate change. [snip]

Philip Stott, the emeritus professor of biogeography at the University of London, chided The Economist last month for its assertion that ``global warming is happening faster than expected’’.

He pointed out that the world’s average surface temperatures have exhibited no warming for the past decade, and that temperatures in many countries in fact showed a marked plunge.

Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, has warned that the Earth may be about to enter a new “Little Ice Age’’ for up to 80 years because of decreases in solar activity, further indication of a cooling period [snip]

Garnaut’s prescription would however throw more Australians out of work even as Australia’s economy wilts in the global economic meltdown. Under Professor Garnaut’s plan, emission-intensive industries must opt for radical change _ such as a change of address.


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