Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Big Media Pull Out All Stops to Elect Obama

Big Media have pulled out all their stops in trying to elect Barack Obama by withholding from the American people the truth about his radical record and associates. Big media, their polls and the presidential debates practically ignored front-burner issues important to millions of Americans.

• By excluding abortion and same-sex marriage from national debate, Big Media obviously didn't want a repetition of Obama's embarrassing handling of these issues in the Saddleback dialogue.

• The issue of illegal aliens was censored out of the presidential debates and other coverage. The voters were kept oblivious to the fact that Obama favors giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens and John McCain does not.

• How many times have you heard that Obama will cut taxes on 95 percent of Americans? Have you even once heard Big Media tell us that's a big lie because 40 percent of Americans don't pay any federal income taxes at all?

• Big Media have cloaked him with a security blanket that not only protects him from criticism, but viciously attacks anybody who tells the truth about Obama's life story in Indonesia, Hawaii, Kenya or Chicago.

• Why don't Big Media dissect the revelations and biases in Obama's autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," with the same journalistic curiosity they use about Sarah Palin's wardrobe?

• Media present Obama as some sort of intellectual, but why don't we hear about his failure to write anything meaningful for the Harvard Law Review when he was its affirmative-action president?

• Why don't we hear more about Obama's friendship with the communist Frank Marshall Davis, who was part of a Soviet-sponsored network in Hawaii?

• Why haven't Big Media assigned their investigative reporters to trace the hundreds of millions of dollars that may be illegally flowing to the Obama campaign from foreign sources?

• Why aren't we given details about Obama's financial relationship with Tony Rezko, the Chicago fixer now in prison?

Pew Research confirms that 70 percent of Obama's media coverage has been positive and 60 percent of McCain's has been negative.

Memo to the American people: Will we let Big Media decide this election by censoring the news we have a right to know?


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