Wednesday, October 1, 2008

An ACORN Falls from the Tree

As negotiations over Congress’s emergency rescue bill continued over the weekend, repeated rumors leaked out that the Democrats were trying to funnel money to a hyper-partisan organization involved in criminal voter fraud.

20 percent of the profit proceedings for asset sales in the future would go to what is called the Housing Trust Fund, subsidizing certain groups for ostensibly nonpartisan activity. One of these groups that this trust supports is ACORN...


[ACORN... where have I heard that before... right:

NNBrief-080918 > ACORN, Fannie Mae and Motor Voter
NNBrief-080915 > Bad voter applications found
NNBrief-080910 > The Evolving Agenda of George Soros’s Democracy Alliance
NNBrief-080619 > Obama's Red Roots


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