Thursday, September 18, 2008

What is Endangered: Climate or Freedom?

For most people, being the president of a country would be enough to keep one busy, but not so for Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic [snip]

"Blue Planet in Green Shackles." The book’s subtitle -- What is Endangered: Climate or Freedom? -
- reveals Klaus’s concern about the totalitarian agenda of environmentalists. He sees no difference between the ideology of communism and that of climate change. He says he is no longer simply concerned about the consequences of politicians using global warming to gain and wield power over ordinary citizens. Klaus describes himself now as “angry.” He agrees with author Michael Crichton.

“The greatest challenge facing mankind is distinguishing between reality and fantasy, truth from propaganda”
as regards global warming.

After he delivered his talk before the MPS, President Klaus sat down for a private interview with HUMAN EVENTS. The man whom Al Gore refused to debate in public when the Czech President challenged him had much to say...

[Highly Recommended > ]


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