Monday, September 8, 2008

Survey Says . . . Media Are Cheering for Obama

Sorry sight last night, post-Palin speech, seeing the Fourth Estaters pooh-pooh Republican charges that the media are pro-Obama. But perception is reality in politics, and according to a new SurveyUSA poll, this limited to Washington State registered voters, folks believe the press is pressing for the Democrat candidate.

When asked "Is the media rooting for Barack Obama? Rooting for John McCain? Or trying its best to be fair to both?" 52% said "for Obama," 8% said "for McCain," 35% said "being fair to both." Interesting: 28% of Democrats, 28% of liberals, and 42% of moderates chose "for Obama."

It would seem that any Republican campaign strategy to hit on media bias for Obama could / would resonate with the electorate because the majority of voters indeed believe such, at least according to this poll.


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