Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The real barracuda

HERE is a titbit for you. I am sure you all heard the quip vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin made before the assembled multitudes at the Republican convention in Minnysooda last week. "You know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?" she asked. Then she did a nice take, paused, pointed to her mouth without changing expression: "Lipstick."

Biggest laugh of the night.

The titbit? That line was not in her speech. She stuck it in there when mentioning her start in politics as a hockey mom joining the parent-teacher association. In fact she went off book so much, and so far, that the teleprompter operator went half mad trying to find out where he had messed up. Finally, just before taking his cyanide capsule, he realised his text and her speech had the similarity of Saturn and a lawn chair, so I hear he just turned it off...

[her debate with Biden is Oct. 2nd]


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