Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Radical environmentalists part of economic meltdown

Collapse of financial institutions is just part of a disturbing failure of leadership in the business segment of society.

It is part of a wider crisis of leadership at all levels of society, but is the most immediate and potentially dangerous right now. The business world pushed by government has capitulated to greed and deception and has put people in financial jeopardy.

Sadly, all this plays to a conundrum identified by David Lillenthal, Big business is basic to the very life of this country; and yet many--perhaps most--Americans have a deep-seated fear and an emotional repugnance to it. Here is monumental contradiction... [snip]

The financial debacle is serious but ultimately small change compared to the cost of unnecessary programs to deal with non-existent global warming, natural climate change and many other so-called environmental problems.

Business with collusion from government began the capitulation when it surrendered to the bullying of environmentalists. It was exacerbated when they exploited the opportunities to make money from peoples’ fears and lack of knowledge, but none of which resolved any problems.

In the long run, this will be more devastating and costly to political freedom and global economies. It is already costing the poor people of the world with higher costs or even complete unavailability of the very basics of life. It is more than mere financial greed, which people despise but expect.

It includes greed but is also deliberate and cynical exploitation...

[which will impact our childrens' lives more than our own if not stopped]


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