Friday, September 26, 2008

The neutral media...

Media Covering For OBama
Washington Times, by Tony Blankley

The mainstream media have gone over the line and are now straight out propagandists for the Obama campaign. While they have been liberal and blinkered in their worldview for decades, in 2007-08 for the first time, the major media are consciously covering for one candidate for president and consciously knifing the other.

This is no longer journalism — it is simply propaganda. (The American left-wing version of the Volkischer Beobachter cannot be far behind.) And as a result, we are less than seven weeks away from possibly electing a president who has not been thoroughly and even half way honestly presented to the country by our watchdogs — the press.

The public will be voting based on the idealized image of a man who never was. If he wins, however, we will be governed by the sunken, cynical man Mr. Obama really is. One can only hope that the senior journalists will be judged as harshly for their professional misconduct as Wall Street's leaders currently are for their failings.

[Tony's the past editor of the W-T and worth listening to - Recommended > ]

Barack Obama, John McCain, the Polls, and the Electoral College
The economic crisis hasn't been bad for every single American: Sen. Barack Obama (and his running mate, Sen. Joe Biden) seem to have benefited from it.

Not financially, of course, but in the polling data that continues to improve for the Democratic ticket, despite or perhaps because of economic declines.

Even better for Obama/Biden, the gains are not just in the national polls but in the all-important Electoral College and battleground states...

[object lesson: could this be possible if the media weren't generally ignoring the fact that the overwhelming majority of blame for our current situation rests with a succession of Democrats?

Think the lack of 'investigative reporting' would be different if the fingerprints on this debacle were predominantly Republican?

The most prevalent spin: omission.]


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