Monday, September 29, 2008

Media Fail to Correct Obama’s Claim of No Al-Qaeda in Iraq Before Invasi

Since Friday’s presidential debate, all three major broadcast networks have highlighted one of Barack Obama’s more commanding moments when he charged that John McCain was wrong in some of his pre-Iraq war predictions, but the media have so far ignored Obama’s incorrect assertion that "there was no Al-Qaeda presence in Iraq before America’s invasion in 2003.

Before the 2003 invasion, various news sources – some American, some from other countries – were already citing the governments of various countries as they reported that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the former leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, not only was already in Iraq plotting attacks to be carried out in Europe, but that he already had an association with Osama bin Laden and had spent time in Afghanistan. [snip]

ABC, CBS, and NBC have all played the that soundbite of Obama from the debate, but none recalled the facts to the contrary to which their own past reporting referred. Below are transcripts of relevant portions of past CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, and ABC's World News...

[it's called revisionist history, with nary a peep from our 'professional' journalists... Recommended > ]


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