Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Congressional Shell Games

If, like many Americans, you are fed up with "fat cats" using political contributions to buy influence with members of Congress, here's something you should know:

Many of those fat cats are the members of Congress themselves.

Worse, the money that some congressmen use to buy influence over other congressmen isn't even theirs. Unlike regular fat cats - some of whom, at least, get their money from honest work - congressmen buy influence using other people's money, i.e., their contributors, and often without the contributors' knowledge and consent... [snip]

The stated purpose of campaign finance laws is to limit the corrupting influence of money on elections, yet those laws have helped make politicians themselves into corrupting influences. Members of Congress who want to "show some love" to their colleagues should be required to write personal checks instead of laundering other people's money.

Maybe this should be one of the first changes in Washington ushered in the by the next Congress and new President.

['experience' with how Washington works is the problem]


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