Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ChiTrib Debunks Media's 'McCain Will Die Soon' Anti-Palin Attack

Folks in the media are either ignorant of how mortality is calculated, or intentionally trying to scare the electorate.

As such, the Tribune is spot on, for according to the Social Security Administration, a man aged 72 is currently expected to live to 84.

Yet, in McCain's case, this could be understated, for white male life expectancy is about six years greater than for blacks.

Beyond this, SSA doesn't account for differing lifestyles, wealth, health care history, diet, exercise, etc. Instead, its life expectancy is a one size fits all for each gender.

With this in mind, the media scare tactic that Palin is likely to become president as a result of McCain's untimely death is even more factually inaccurate.

Kudos to the Tribune for expressing some honesty in this regard.


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