Monday, August 25, 2008

Think Wikipedia Is Biased? Do Something About It

The liberal bias at Wikipedia isn't like bias at ABC or CBS. These institutions are dominated by liberals, true, but their systematic structure is such that the ability for people on the right to push for fairness is severely limited.

That is not the case with Wikipedia, a participatory medium in which those who are most active enjoy the most influence. It's time for the right to dust off its hands and engage in some old-fashioned activism.

Go out there and make a difference. If you find bias, we'll be more than happy to spread the word.

[well, semi-true: yes anyone can submit post to counter any other - the it's the editing staff at Wiki that's the most egregious offender, and they're 24/7. Conservatives would need 'storms' of posts to have any staying power before they're eventually deleted by wikistaff...

too bad, I was a fan. Luckily, there's ...

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