Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Georgia: Europe wins a gold medal for defeatism

Sarkozy's ‘peace in our time' deal is a reminder of what could happen if the EU wins more clout

Once again, the Europeans, and their friends in the pusillanimous wing of the US Left, have demonstrated that, when it come to those postmodern Olympian sports of synchronized self-loathing, team hand-wringing and lightweight posturing, they know how to sweep gold, silver and bronze... [snip]

... the one-sided ceasefire that he [Sarkozy] 'negotiated' was more or less dictated to him by Mr Putin. It not only left the Russian military in place in the disputed enclaves. It allowed them free rein to continue operations inside the rest of Georgia... [snip]

... we should never forget what Mr Sarkozy and his EU officials got up to this week. There can be no clearer indication of the perils that threaten the West if the EU gets its way and wins more clout in the world.

This, remember, is the same EU that wants to take over foreign and security policy from member states, an institution that is always eager to pump itself up at the expense of democratic institutions in those member states, but which crumbles into puny submission when faced with authoritarian bullying overseas...

[I find myself having to remind my politicos that Europe chose to sell of its militaries over the years to pay for their welfare states. Only a handful could put up more than a token resistance if invaded, and none - not one - can project power above Falklands-level. America stands alone, capability wise, as defensible in the free world - we best take that fact seriously: China and Russia are rising, and Europe is worthless]


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