Friday, August 29, 2008

Bringing Back the Union Label?

Barely 12% of today's workers belong to a union ... most union workers today don't work in factories, mines, shipyards, on the railroads or driving trucks - most of them are federal and state civil servants and public school teachers... [snip]

... here comes HR 800, proposed federal legislation carrying the misleading title "Employee Free Choice Act". It was passed by the House in March 2007, but denied by the Senate. The Heritage Foundation has provided a superb summary of the Act and its pernicious effects on both employers and employees...[snip]

... even George McGovern, the aging liberal lion-in-winter writing in the Wall Street Journal, knows the most dangerous consequences from this toxic bill are the assault on free speech and denial of fundamental tenets of a democracy-- and virtually guarantees worker intimidation and, would force an employer to recognize the union with no recourse. [snip]

Certainly before the 2010 midterm Congressional elections, the union ranks would swell by the hundreds of thousands if not millions.

And what would be the consequences in addition to more Democrats easily winning re-election? Higher costs to consumers, companies less globally competitive and more jobs shipped to China. And higher taxes for those who remain to fund more unemployment benefits, free health care, and abstract environmental regulations having little tangible benefit to anyone.


> "HR 800; Employee Free Choice Act"
Email Your Congressman >

> FLASHBACK: NNBrief 6/13/2008:


What do the farm bill, the cap-and-trade global warming bill, the clean water bill, the housing bailout bill and the school construction bill all have in common?

In each one and countless others the Democratic majority in Congress has inserted "prevailing-wage" requirements [via Davis-Bacon requirements] that amount to a super-minimum wage, says the Wall Street Journal.

Barack Obama has proposed a new taxpayer-supported $60 billion infrastructure bank that would siphon billions off to his union friends by mandating Davis-Bacon...


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