Thursday, July 24, 2008

Reality Check

For decades now, Democrats have supported the policies of extremists who have systematically sought to shut down every major energy source for our economy. We can't drill for oil offshore, we can't drill in the frozen tundra of north Alaska, we can't even develop oil shale on the mainland. Liberals are even opposing the development of new oil discoveries in the Plains states.

Reality: China is now producing oil from wells in Cuban waters off the coast of Florida, selling and reaping enormous profits...

Nuclear power? Can't have that. The last U.S. nuclear projects was the Shoreham plant begun in 1973. After 16 years of ridiculous 'regulatory delays', the plant was shut down in 1989 - Long Island Lighting went bankrupt as a result. Those delays were/are due to laws and policies adopted by Democrats, who are willing to let extremists use them to shut down any such construction

Reality: France and Japan are now competing to sell nuclear plant development to China and India...

Now they're opposing the development and even the maintenance of coal fired electric plants. The energy policy statement on Barack Obama's website says, "Obama believes that the imperative to confront climate change requires that we prevent a new wave of traditional coal facilities in the U.S." In Georgia, a state judge denied a permit for a new coal electricity plant on the grounds of... global warming.

Reality: China opens a new coal plant every week on its way to eventually pass the U.S. as the number one economy in the world...

Remember Obama's famous quote:

"We can't just keep driving our SUVs, eating whatever we want, keeping our homes at 72 degrees..."
What he means by this is that our current standard of living is unfair. It represents massive inequality in comparison to the rest of the world. So we'll have to reduce it.

Reality: Their 'energy plan' will do just that.


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