Friday, July 11, 2008

Oil at $300

You would think that this story is right out of science fiction. But the facts appear to be that the US Democrat-controlled Congress intends to destroy the Republican middle class with $11 per gallon gasoline. The Democrats’ base -- wealthy white “limousine liberals”, and very poor people -- won’t be harmed, but the families who live in suburbia will be devastated... [snip]

The so-called “Global Oil Crisis” is an invention of the US liberal ruling class, which has successfully managed to export their disastrous ideas worldwide. Oil supply and demand has been on knife-edge balance for years. With the growth of the newly well off Chinese and Indian car-consuming populations, oil consumption has been rapidly increasing in the developing world - even as it has been dropping in the US... [snip]

In the process, a minor supply-demand problem has been artificially legislated into a full-blown crisis. The stock market’s response has been predictable: down, down, down.

The liberal solution, of course, is for Congress to raise taxes, and force industry to adapt wacky “carbon credit” schemes to line the pockets of the rich liberals who sell the newly-invented credits, like Al Gore’s new company is doing. [snip]

And the irony? [the usual long-list of our vast energy reserves here at home going untapped] All of this can be done now with results beginning in 90 days, and using new super-clean super-efficient and environmentally-friendly technology. The result: oil will drop down to well below $100 per barrel and the economy will once again boom. If France and China and Brazil can do it, why can’t America?

Why not indeed?

[Highly Recommended - & forward to friends >]


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