Monday, July 14, 2008

Momentous Pro-Jewish Court Case Win in France

France TV 2 has lost a major court case in France that makes the lie to a major piece of Palestinian propaganda. In 2000 an incident occurred in the Palestinian areas that has since been used as propaganda for the Palestinian cause all across the world.

In 2000 the Palestinians began what they called the second intifada against Israel, a kick in the teeth to the Israelis seeking only peace. During the early stages of this attack France 2 TV, a state run television station, aired what it claimed was a video of a child and his father being shot and killed by Israeli security forces.

The shock of this small boy being mercilessly shot down by Jews drew condemnation like a lightening rod. Supporters of Palestine the world over were outraged, posters appeared, protests were whipped up, postage stamps with the image of this child's supposed last minutes on Earth were even created in Egypt and Tunisia. The "death" of Muhammad al-Dura rallied support to Palestinians against the Jews. And for the last 8 years the New York Times has been right there with the "news" pushing the story for all its worth. [snip]

Philippe Karsenty felt that the whole thing was a Palestinian fake and he began to agitate for the truth.

Well, it is now 2008 and the French court case is over and it is a stunning result. Mr. Karsenty won. The case of libel was thrown out. This is a stunning victory because Mr. Karsenty had to prove to the French court that his claims that the film is a fraud are legitimate claims. Karsenty presented enough evidence for the French court to rule against a state operated entity and this is a big upset in France because this does not typically happen. The state almost never loses. [snip]

Since the New York Times used this story to succor terrorist supporters in 2000, 2002, 2005 and May of this year, one might imagine that the Times would rush to correct the record now that the evidence proving that the al-Dura tale is a lie has been accepted by French courts.

One would be wrong: There has been no story in the Times of the Karsenty victory since the French court ruling was handed down - on May 21st. Not one.

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