Thursday, July 3, 2008

Assimilation of Immigrants and the Imperative of Pride in America

What worries me is that both the remaining presidential candidates support a general amnesty for illegal immigrants. And this amnesty is without any prior successful closure of the U.S.-Mexican Border that would halt further waves of immigrants. McCain pays lip-service to border security and assimilation on his campaign website. Obama's website is similar, listing border security as his main priority, followed by "bringing people out of the shadows" to become citizens. Clinton uses much more flowery language but essentially posits the same message. [snip]

It should be noted that illegal immigrants do not live in the shadows. They attend American schools, use our hospital emergency rooms as though they were a general practitioner's office and work in specific businesses. If the Federal Government wanted to enforce our current immigration laws, which are sufficient to solve the problem, it could. But there is no willpower to do so...


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