Thursday, July 10, 2008

Alleviate world hunger produce more clean carbon dioxide

What is your carbon footprint? That is the wrong question to ask.

A more meaningful question is--How much carbon dioxide does it take to grow the wheat required to produce a loaf of bread? Or--How much carbon dioxide does it take to grow the corn for the chicken feed required to produce a dozen eggs?

Far from being a pollutant, man, along with every animal on land, fish in the sea, and bird in the air is totally dependent on atmospheric carbon dioxide for the food supply... [snip]

Our mainstream media uses every opportunity to hype the hoax of man made global warming by repeated reporting of data and events that appear to support it, and ignoring those that contradict ... [snip]

People on the left claim global warming is real, a threat to the continued existence of mankind, and the debate as to its cause is over. Although none of this is true, it nevertheless is what four of my grandchildren were taught in school!

(Editor’s Note: To many in the know, Dirck T. Hartmann, who worked on the Apollo Space Program and many other significant NASA projects, is a gifted scientist/engineer/physicist. Now the 87-year-old feels compelled to answer the questions of Man Made Global Warming and does so with factual substance, truth and knowledge. What he has to say is clear and concise and should be read by everyone.)
[Highly Recommended > ]


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