Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Iraq starts to fix itself

AFTER all the blood and blunders, people are right to be sceptical when good news is announced from Iraq. Yet it is now plain that over the past several months, while Americans have been distracted by their presidential primaries, many things in Iraq have at long last started to go right. [snip]

In September 2007 this newspaper supported the surge not because we had faith in Iraq but only in the desperate hope that the surge might stop what was already a bloodbath from becoming even worse (see article). The situation now is different: Iraq is still a mess, but something approaching a normal future for its people is beginning to look achievable...


[From Glenn Beck blog re: the above piece:]

Strange how when things are going wrong in Iraq, I rarely see articles about how Iraqis are doing it to "themselves". But when things go right, it must be some mystical magical self-healing process.

Amazing, but I guess this is the "good" coverage of the war we've been asking for. Or at least the "as good as it gets" coverage.

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