Thursday, June 19, 2008

Not in My School Yard

... They frequently raise school choice as a cause Obama could take up to show his independence from Democratic interest groups. It doesn't look as if that's going to happen, as ABC News's Jake Tapper reports:

On the same day that he was extolling the need to shake up the "status quo" in education, Obama also defended his opposition to school vouchers.
"We don't have enough slots for every child to go into a parochial school or a private school. And what you would see is a huge drain of resources out of the public schools," Obama said.
McCain advocates giving every parent a voucher to essentially choose which school they'd like to send their child.
Our colleague Bill McGurn notes that Congress is on the verge of killing a small voucher program in the District of Columbia, where "parents have a question for Mr. Obama.

Is Mr. Change-You-Can-Believe-In going to let his fellow Democrats take away the one change that is working for them?"


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