Thursday, June 26, 2008

James Hansen: Abusing the Public Trust

Monday, James Hansen, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), addressed Congress and brought a new twist to his tired global warming song and dance routine. Hansen now seems to be calling for the chief executives of Big Oil to be tried for high crimes against humanity. Their crime? Spreading doubt about global warming.

Actually, it is Hansen who is guilty. Guilty of abusing the public trust.

James Hansen is the recognized international arbiter of the global temperature record-past, present and future. Armed with a network of thermometers, state-of-the-art satellites, computers and a huge chunk of NASA's near $18 billion budget, Hansen is the man who is deemed the final authority on Al Gore's constant claim that "the earth has a fever."

All this despite the fact that GISS' own data clearly illustrates that the Earth's temperature has been flat since 1998 and recently has been dipping downward. Hansen's shenanigans [!] on Capital Hill are not about climate-they are about money... [snip]

As a NASA Director, his role should be collecting data and truthfully sharing results, not trying to influence policy and legislation.

Congressman Darryl Issa (R-San Diego) called Hansen on his continual talking out of turn. During a hearing on Capitol Hill regarding his abuse of his government status, Issa said, "You're speaking on federal paid time. Your employer happens to be the American taxpayer." Issa went on to say that an internet search showed Hansen had had stated on more than 1,400 occasions in over a year's worth of interviews and appearances (15 interviews alone in the month that the congressional hearings were taking place - and the same month Hansen complained that the Bush Administration was censoring him). [snip]

Examine the largess culled by Hansen: In 2001, the Heinz Foundation "awarded" James Hansen with a payment of $250,000 for his work on global warming. According to Investors Business Daily, Hansen has also received as much as $720,000 from [George] Soros' [born Gyorgy Schwarz] Open Society Institute (OSI), which also gave him ‘legal and media advice'... [snip]

With that kind of cash allegedly lining his pockets, do you think that Hansen will ever allow the data that he is charged with maintaining to point to anything but disaster?

[ ! = hey I coined the 'shenanigans' shtick yesterday... fair use? ;^) > ]


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