Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Iran Could Make Nuke In 6 Months

IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei spoke on Al-Arabiya television on June 20, discussing Iran's nuclear program, and the potential for the Middle Eastern country to produce a nuclear weapon.

"If Iran wants to turn to the production of nuclear weapons, it would need at least, considering the number of centrifuges and the quantity of uranium Iran has...It would need at least six months to one year,"

ElBaradei also warned that he will resign as chief of the UN nuclear agency if Iran is attacked by any country.

The reports this week of Israeli military maneuvers, which took place in early June, provoked the IAEA warning, said CBS News Foreign Affairs Pamela Falk, who is based at the UN.

Ironically [predictably], Israel felt compelled to action by the last IAEA report, which concluded that there are unanswered questions about Iran's ability to eventually develop nuclear weapons - so it is elBaradei himself who produced the report that is making Israel nervous.

Meanwhile, Iran is reiterating its decision to continue enriching uranium...


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