Thursday, May 8, 2008

NYT: Constitution? Schmonstitution!

At least they're open about it: the New York Times disdains Supreme Court justices who hew to the principles upon which this country was founded. The Times's admission came in the course of an editorial calling on Obama and Clinton to put aside their bickering and focus on beating John McCain. That is vital, in the Times's view, given McCain's pledge to nominate Supreme Court justices in the mold of John Roberts and Samuel Alito. Writes the Times [emphasis added]:

Mr. McCain predictably criticized liberal judges, vowed strict adherence to the Founders’ views and promised to appoint more judges in the mold of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. That is just what the country does not need.
[Q: if the Constitution is just a quaint historical artifact of how the founders thought 'back then', which now has to be translated to a 'current' meaning, why were they so explicit in stating within it how The People could change it in the future?
The whole 'modernization' argument is a dangerous canard]


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