Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hamas Needs Shrinks Without Borders

To mark Holocaust Remembrance Day this month, the homicidal maniacs of Hamas outdid even their most deranged Islamic brethren by putting out a film claiming that the Jews secretly planned and carried out 6 million deaths of their own people. [snip]

In some other-worldly dimension, in whatever kind of perverted reality these people share, this insanity must make some sort of sense. Evidently, Jimmy Carter's latest form of diplomacy therapy was not terribly effective.

So, it's time for every liberal, Palestinian-supporting leftist in the country to drop whatever she is doing, to stop in her tracks and contact every shrink on her rolodex. Every single one of these specially trained docs is needed immediately by these dangerous lunatics calling themselves Hamas.

Oh, and the shrinks need to be armed to the teeth; our soldiers are needed at the moment elsewhere.


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