Thursday, May 1, 2008

Shell Oil president: To cut price, produce more gasoline in U.S.

Gasoline prices set a record for the 16th consecutive day Wednesday. A gallon of gas cost an average of $3.62, according to AAA, and much more in some markets.

I say we need more gas to be produced in this country. I've been saying that for three years, ever since I took this position [as president of Shell]

I think the president brings up a good point in that we could, we have the available domestic supplies off the coast of Alaska as well as [the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge]. Shell has won $2 billion worth of high bids for the Chukchi Sea -- that's a few years off before we could begin production.

But let's remember there's more than 100 billion barrels of untouched oil and gas in this country that is subject to a 30-year moratorium. Now, there's only one body in this country that can set a 30-year moratorium, and that's the U.S. government... [snip]

If the U.S. set a goal to produce 2 to 3 million barrels more a day in this country, we would send a shock around the world that would immediately say to the speculators, hey, the U.S. is serious...

[are we? Have you told your representatives? signed a petition? made a phone call?]


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