Monday, April 14, 2008

The Problem of Western Civilization

Western civilization seems to be deathly ill with a problem that has yet to be diagnosed. Some people suggest that the rise of Islam is the principle problem that faces the Occident in contemporary times. Other people suggest that a secularization of the Western people is the main quandary. Still others suggest that a balkanization of American culture is the primary dilemma. In my opinion the aforementioned problems are only symptoms of the true problem, which is that Westerners lack the willpower to defend their civilization [snip]

When Westerners do defend their culture, they are branded “racist,” “xenophobic,” or “fascist” by either foreign enemies or domestic traitors. For example, when it comes to the debate involving immigration, La Raza, which translates into English to mean “The Race,” is an ethnocentric organization for Mexicans that quickly labels organizations that are opposed to mass and illegal immigration to the United States as “bigots.” Why is it that foreigners have a right to promote their interests, but Westerners are not allowed to promote their own national interests in their homeland without being called derogatory names? [snip]

The multiculturalists are trying to force Westerners to assimilate to ways of life that are foreign in origin rather than insist on immigrant assimilation of its culture...

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