Monday, April 28, 2008

Parenting the Palestinians

Golda Meir said, ''The Arabs will stop fighting us when they love their children more than they hate Jews.'' This quote provides the key to unraveling the question of why the Palestinians persist in attacking their neighbors the Israelis, rather than emulating them. A people goes much farther in emulating those more functional than themselves than they do in relentless blame and hatred. Witness the Japanese, conquered in World War II, studying and improving upon the structures of American industrial might.

[the key here is education. Ideas born in radical Egypt, printed in Saudi Arabia or Syria, are taught in Gaza and the west bank - from birth. Until we step up to confronting the continuing indoctrination to the ideology of hate and death, militant Islam will produce an inexhaustible supply of murderers. Rumsfeld was/is right: we need fight the war of ideology; it's what's fueling everything. ]



Friday, January 25, 2008

The War of Ideas Should Be Engaged ]

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